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List of Most Valuable Social Bookmarking

List of most valuable social bookmarking sites:

My Favorite Bookmarking Sites:


SERPd is a social bookmarking site dedicated to SEO
SERPd is a social bookmarking site dedicated to SEO, SEM, internet marketing, web development, and web design. For SEO and SEM, I find a lot of good information, and whenever I submit an article to this site, I get a decent amount of traffic from this site.

2. BizSugar

BizSugar, make it easier to learn more about business
BizSugar is a social bookmarking site that was designed to make it easier to learn more about business. This site shares links to articles that cover topics in new business strategies, tactics, and news. If you are new to online business or even a small business owner, this site will help you find your way through building a successful business.

3. WPhits

WordPress only social bookmarking
WPhits is a new WordPress only social bookmarking site that recently went live and was created by Omer of WebTechWise. This bookmarking site was built on WordPress and not on the standard social bookmarking Pligg CMS module. The site was coded and designed by Omer. Since Omer is a designer, the site not only looks good, but the navigation is easy to follow. This site is still being worked on, and he is working to add more features. I look forward to using this site for all my WordPress needs.

4. Blog Engage

Blog Community and Social Network
Blog Engage is the first social bookmarking site I ever joined. This site is what got me inspired to blog about new media, and I have met a lot of great bloggers such as Hesham and many others. This site brings me a lot of good traffic, but you have to spend a lot time voting and commenting on blogs that are part of the community. I stopped spending time here for a few months when life issue took over, and I didn’t have much time to marketing my sites. Because of that time off, I saw a good drop in traffic from here. But it’s starting to come back up, and I should be a top performer soon.
Blog Engage is a social network that allows you submit articles to their site. Each article you submit is promoted by the members, and if it’s a good article it will make it to the front  page. Interaction is key on this site. No interaction means no traffic for you articles.
Recently the owner, Brian, created a premium service that will automatically submit your articles to Blog Engage through your RSS feed. Once signed up, all you need to do is concentrate on engaging with other members.

5. Make Money Online

Making money online social bookmarking site
MMO is a social bookmarking site that was created for the online business owner. You can find articles on almost anything that involves making money online, blogging, design, SEO, social media and WordPress.

6. DesignGizer

Social bookmarking site that caters to the design community
DesignGizer is a social bookmarking site that caters to the design community. It’s a new site, but it gets a fair amount of traffic, and the site is growing daily. So, if you are designer, check it out and start submitting your articles today.

7. The Web Blend

Design News social bookmarking site
The Web Blend is another design social bookmarking site. It is one of the more popular ones and receives a lot of new articles daily. This site is another site where you have to spend time on it if you want more than just a backlink. You have to spend time voting and commenting on articles that were submitted.

8. Design Float

Social bookmarking sites for designers
Out of all the social bookmarking sites for designers, Design Float is one of my favorite sites. It doesn’t get as much traffic as The Web Blend gets, but I get a lot of traffic from Design Float. In fact, out of all of the social bookmarking sites I submit to, Design Float gives me the most referral traffic.


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